For Dog Walkers, By Dog Walkers | Jake Schofield, Labsteps: Idea to Exit | Robert Crutchington, Encoded | David Parkinson, Musqet | Seb Lawson takes us through his start-up
18 July 2024 at 16:00:00
C5 Alliance Ltd, Windward House, La Route de la Libération, Saint Helier, Jersey
We are incredibly excited to welcome Swagger Paws to our event - a Jersey based E-Commerce company looking for their next phase growth:
For Dog Walkers, By Dog Walkers
SwaggerPaws recognises the needs of pet professionals with a product range built to withstand everything a dog walker throws at it.
The highs, lows and lessons of creating and exiting a Health Tech start-up.
Jake Schofield walks us through his entrepreneurial journey and what's next.
Labsteps: Idea to Exit.
We will be addressing the most common pinch point in TEKEX - payments!
Robert Crutchington - Encoded - How Jersey Can Benefit from an Independent Payment Card Gateway and Orchestration Partner
David Parkinson - Musqet - : Will Bitcoin drive a multi-planetary or a multiverse future for humanity?
Finally, Ai and education in the work place.
Seb Lawson takes us through his start-up.